Coastal Georgia Colloquium 2022

October 19 and 20 / Richmond Hill, Georgia

The GCRC held its 9th Coastal Colloquium on October 19-20, 2022. The meeting was attended by 63 participants (38 of whom were GCRC affiliates). This included scientists representing academic institutions from across the state (Univ. of Georgia; Savannah State Univ.; Georgia Southern Univ.; College of Coastal Georgia; Georgia State University; Georgia College and State Univ.; Georgia Institute of Technology; and Augusta University), natural resource managers from state agencies (Georgia DNR Coastal Resources, Environmental Protection, and Wildlife Resources divisions; the Jekyll Island Authority), and federal agencies (US Fish and Wildlife Service; US Geological Survey; Sea Grant College Program; National Park Service; US Army Corps of Engineers), plus DNR project partners working within The Nature Conservancy and the City of Brunswick. Seventeen participants became GCRC affiliates following the meeting.

The centerpiece of the Colloquium was our trademark 3-minute talks in which attendees introduce themselves. Managers were asked to emphasize their research needs; academics were asked to showcase those aspects of their research that are most relevant to management. Three minutes is not long enough to go into detail, but it gives everyone an opportunity to speak and we encourage follow-up conversations during the frequent coffee breaks.


List of Participants

Presentations from Selected Speakers

Please note: by clicking on a presentation link, you have agreed not to alter, excerpt, or redistribute work without the express permission of the author.


Merryl Alber; Professor, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia

Georgia Coastal Resources Division Overview

Jill Andrews; Chief, Coastal Management Program, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources 

Georgia Coastal Management Program Overview

Coastal Hazards and Green Growth

Kelly Hill; Coastal Resources Specialist, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Green Growth Updates

Jennifer Kline; Coastal Hazards Specialist, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Coastal Hazards Updates

Ashby Worley; Coastal Climate Adaptation Director, The Nature Conservancy, Georgia Chapter

Camden County ‘Rise Ready’ Coastal Resiliency Project

Restoration and Living Shorelines

Jaynie Gaskin; Wetlands Biologist, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Wetland Health and Monitoring

Meghan Angelina; Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Living Shorelines

Jeb Byers; Professor, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia

Spatial and temporal patterns of disease on Georgia oyster reefs

Round table: Emerging Restoration Opportunities

Jan Mackinnon Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Restoration Opportunities

Doug Samson; Director, Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wildlife Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Emerging Restoration Opportunities

Dionne Hoskins-Brown; Fishery Biologist, Southeast FSC, Director, NOAA Programs, Savanna State University

NOAA Restoration Projects and Priorities

The Nature Conservancy

FY24-26 Strategic Planning: Coast/Marine Sub-strategy on Integrated Oyster Management

Coastal Wetlands

Dan Quinn; Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

GIS Updates

Doug Samson; Director, Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wildlife Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

SINERR Update/Highlights for 2022

Mark Risse; Director, Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, University of Georgia

Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant Update

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Jared Flowers; Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

CRD Fisheries Research and Management Update

Marc Frischer; Professor, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, University of Georgia

The influence of environmental factors in shrimp black gill: management and fishery adaptation options?

Brian Fleuch; University of Georgia Marine Extension Service/GA Sea Grant

Estimating the Impact of Recreational Crabbing in Georgia

Charles Derby; Professor Emeritus, Georgia State University

Field Testing a New Synthetic Sustainable Bait for Georgia’s Blue Crab Fisheries

Nutrients, Acidification, and Zooplankton

Alyssa Peterson; Data Management Specialist, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Watershed Planning and Monitoring Program

Dan Calhoun; Assistant Director for Hydrologic Studies, USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center

USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center

Research Planning and Opportunities

Jan Mackinnon; Manager, Georgia Coastal Management Program, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Coastal Incentive Grants

Doug Samson; Director, Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wildlife Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

SINERR Research Opportunities

Meghan Angelina; Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Wetland Research Authorizations

Introductions (3-minute talks)

Clark Alexander               Director & Professor, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, UGA

Andrei Barkovskii           Professor, Dept. of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Georgia College and State University

Joseph Colbert                 Wildlife Biologist, Conservation Department, Jekyll Island Authority

Dan Gleason                     Director, Institute for Coastal Plain Science, Georgia Southern University

Dominic Guadagnoli      Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Christine Hladik              Associate Professor, Department of Geology and Geography, Georgia Southern University

Sara Rivero-Calle             Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, UGA