The Georgia Coastal Research Council was established to provide mechanisms for improved scientific exchange between coastal scientists and decision makers in the State of Georgia, and to promote the incorporation of best-available scientific information into State and local resource management. The Council is not a policy organization, but rather seeks to provide unbiased, objective information about scientific issues. The Council staff are located in the School of Marine Programs at the University of Georgia, and are supported with funding from a Coastal Incentive Grant from the Coastal Resources Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the National Science Foundation (through the Georgia Coastal Ecosystems – Long Term Ecological Research Project).
For additional information about the Council’s background and activities, read “Georgia Coastal Research Council: A Forum for Scientists and Managers“, a paper presented at the 2003 Georgia Water Resources Conference.
The GCRC organizes the biennial Coastal Georgia Colloquia as a forum for scientists and natural resource managers to share information and to highlight research efforts currently underway on the Georgia Coast. The Colloquia provide an opportunity to focus on the scientific work (biology, chemistry, geology, and physics) being carried out in coastal Georgia. Research presentations are organized into several management-relevant themes. We also use the meeting as a mechanism for managers to describe the types of information that are necessary for their programs.
For information about specific Colloquiums, including agendas and selected presentations, please go to our Colloquia page.
Our Staff:
Merryl Alber, Director
Dr. Alber is an Associate Professor in the Department of Marine Sciences at The University of Georgia. She is a marine ecologist who specializes in estuarine ecology and coastal policy. Dr. Alber received a B.S. in Botany/Zoology from Duke University and a Ph.D. in Biology from Boston University’s Marine Program.
Margaret Myszewski, Program Coordinator
Ms. Myszewski is a graduate of Drake University, The University of Georgia, and the University of Oregon School of Law with a background in environmental and natural resource policy. She has worked extensively in the area of environmental policy and is interested in land conservation, water quality, sustainable development and climate change.