Water Quality/Quantity and Sediment

Updated February 2023


  • Bacterial transport – hydrology studies; what are the bacterial sources? (Transport and time- of-travel studies to estimate when a pollution plume would reach a coastal swimming beach)
  • How harmful to human health is enterococcus bacteria in beach waters?  
    • Epidemiology studies of recreational water-born illness.
    • Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) studies for specific beaches
  • Bacterial issues in and around Georgia coastal marinas
  • How can we better detect pathogens in beach waters?
    • Predictive modeling to correlate environmental factors to elevated levels of bacteria
  • Correlations between DO levels and tannins in Georgia coastal rivers
  • Effects of wetlands and land use practices on instream flows (at multiple scales from site to regional)
  • Beachfront shoreline change modeling/predictive ability considerate of natural and anthropogenic inputs
  • Similar to predictive modeling as above in beach water pathogens but focused on point source discharges and accidental releases
  • Appropriate DO criteria that is protective of aquatic species present