Coastal Georgia Colloquium 2024

October 15 and 16 | Savannah, Georgia

The GCRC held its 10th Coastal Colloquium on October 15-16, 2024. The meeting was attended by 68 participants (53 of whom were GCRC affiliates). This included scientists representing academic institutions from Georgia and several other states (Univ. of Georgia; Savannah State Univ.; Georgia Southern Univ.; Georgia Institute of Technology; Valdosta University; Villanova University, University of North Florida, University of Flordia, and University of Houston), natural resource managers from the Coastal Resources and Wildlife Resources Divisions of the Georgia DNR, and federal agencies (U.S. Geological Survey; National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency; National Park Service; and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers).

Attendees mix during one of the Colloquium’s many breaks.



This year, in addition to research talks and state program and federal agency overviews, the Colloquium featured a panel discussion on mangrove encroachment into Georgia salt marshes.

The centerpiece of the Colloquium was our trademark 3-minute talks in which attendees introduce themselves. Managers were asked to emphasize their research needs; academics were asked to showcase those aspects of their research that are most relevant to management. Three minutes is not long enough to go into detail, but it gives everyone an opportunity to speak and we encourage follow-up conversations during the frequent coffee breaks.



List of Participants

Presentations from Selected Speakers

Please note: by clicking on a presentation link, you have agreed not to alter, excerpt, or redistribute work without the express permission of the author.


Merryl Alber; Professor, Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia

Georgia Coastal Resources Division Overview

Jill Andrews; Chief, Coastal Management Program, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources 

Georgia Coastal Management Program Overview

Coastal Wetlands and Blue Carbon

Jaynie Gaskin; Wetlands Biologist, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Wetland Health and Monitoring

Katie Hill; Public Service Assistant Faculty, Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia

Coastal Blue Carbon: The State of U.S. Offset Markets and Methodologies

Beyond CRD

Mark Risse; Director, Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, University of Georgia

MAREX/GA-Sea Grant Overview

Stan Rogers; Superintendent, Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary 

Gray’s Reef NMS Overview

Jared Lopez; Water Resources Planner, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

USACE-Savannah District Technical Assistance Opportunities

Coastal Communities

Kelly Hill; Coastal Resources Specialist, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Green Growth Updates

Jennifer Kline; Coastal Resources Specialist, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Coastal Hazards Update

Michelle Covi; Coastal Resilience Dept. of Defense Liaison, Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, University of Georgia

Partnering with Department of Defense to Advance Coastal Resilience in Georgia

Restoration and Living Shorelines

Meghan Angelina; Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

CRD Report: Living Shorelines

Christine Hladik; Associate Professor, Department of Geology and Geography, Georgia Southern University

Evaluation of Ecosystem Response to Thin Layer Placement on a Jekyll Island, Georgia Salt Marsh

Research Planning and Opportunities

Shy Duncan; Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Coastal Incentive Grants

Mona Behl; Associate Director, Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, University of Georgia

Science Serving Georgia’s Coast: Sea Grant Research and Fellowship Opportunities

Colby Peffer; Stewardship Coordinator, Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve, Wildlife Resources Division, GA-DNR

SINEER Funding Opportunities

Meghan Angelina; Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Research Authorizations

Introductions (3-minute talks)

Tyler Cooper-Kolb   NOAA Fellow, Coastal Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Marc Frischer           Professor, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, University of Georgia

Georgianne Moore  Professor, Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University

Sara Rivero-Calle    Assistant Professor, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, UGA

Laura Seifert            Chief of Resources Management, Fort Pulaski National Monument, National Park Service

Katy Smith               Water Resources Specialist, Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant, University of Georgia