What Does a Changing Climate Mean for Georgia’s Coast?
A webinar presented by the Georgia Climate Project (http://www.GeorgiaClimateProject.org)
Coastal Georgia has experienced 10 inches of sea level rise since 1935. The GeorgiaDepartment of Natural Resources recommends that coastal communities plan for 4 to 6.3 feet of sea level rise by 2100. Please join us as we explore what these changes will mean for Georgia’s coast and what we can do to prepare.
View the recording at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWSbTr_DzVI
0:00 Rachel Usher, Emory University: Welcome and Overview of the Georgia Climate Project
8:57 Ashby Worley, The Nature Conservancy: Introduction to Webinar
10:21 Jill Gambill, University of Georgia: Climate Change in Coastal Georgia
15:40 Joel Kostka, Georgia Tech: Salt Marshes as Guardians of the Coast
31:01 Scott Pippin, University of Georgia: What Does a Changing Climate Mean for Georgia’s Coast?
46:03 Dawud Shabaka, Harambee House / Center for Environmental Justice: A Look at Environmental Justice Communities
1:01:43 Jennifer Kline, Georgia Department of Natural Resources: Adaptation and Mitigation Steps to Resiliency